Climate and Weather
The air is pleasant in the morning. It is warm at noon. it is cool at night. The daily changes in the air, temperature, etc are called the weather. When the air is warm, the weather is hot. When the air is cool, the weather is cold. When it is cloudy and rainy, the weather is wet. When the air is neither warm not cool, the weather is pleasant. Sometimes the weather is hot for months, we get rains during some months, then we have a long period of cold weather.
When the conditions of weather at a place are the same for a longer period we call it climate. The climate is different in different seasons. We h;ave the summer, the winter, the rainy season and the spring season. the summer is a warm season. in India, it begins in April. The sun is very hot and bright. The rainy season is a period of wet weather. The winds from the sea begin to blow. These winds are called monsoon winds. They bring rain.
When November comes, the winter begins. It is not very cold in this month. But December & January are very cold. January is the coldest month in India. The spring is a season of pleasant weather. It is neither hot nor cold. There are new leaves on thr trees. Flowers bloom and birds chirp in this season.
by Kaushiki
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